Dale M. Schoettler Scholarship For Visually Impaired Students
Award amount: Thirty-six (36) scholarships of $10,000 each will be awarded for the academic year. Eligibility Requirements: -Applicants must currently have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale and must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale during the academic year in which the award is received. -Applicants must be currently enrolled in 6.1 units or more as a CSU undergraduate or graduate student in any major field and must remain enrolled in 6.1 units or more during the academic year in which the award is received. -Applicants must have a visual disability and provide verification from a medical health professional, which includes the best corrected visual acuity notations. (Please note that the disability must be such that it impedes the educational process and necessitates accommodations, support services, or programs.)
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required

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