Trustee Scholarship
To be considered for the Trustee Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria. Candidates must have an overall grade point average of 3.8, and a minimum combined SAT score of 1300 on the critical reading and math portions, an ACT composite score of 28, or an 86 on the CLT. The scholarship will cover $17,000 of tuition for resident students and $8,500 of tuition for commuting students. Recipients of the Trustee Scholarship may be eligible to receive additional earned institutional aid (i.e., Athletic, Fine Arts, and departmental aid). The Office of Financial Aid will determine stackable institutional aid. The Trustee Scholarship is renewable for four years to students who maintain a grade point average of at least a 3.0 at the end of each academic year.
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required

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