Feed, water, groom, bathe, exercise, or otherwise provide care to promote and maintain the well-being of pets and other animals that are not raised for consumption, such as dogs, cats, race horses, ornamental fish or birds, zoo animals, and mice. Work in settings such as kennels, animal shelters, zoos, circuses, and aquariums. May keep records of feedings, treatments, and animals received or discharged. May clean, disinfect, and repair cages, pens, or fish tanks.
Animal Care Attendant, Animal Care Giver (ACG), Animal Care Specialist, Animal Care Technician, Animal Caregiver, Animal Caretaker, Animal Daycare Provider, Animal Groomer, Animal Keeper, Aquarist, Aviculturist, Bather, Cat Bather, Dog Bather, Dog Groomer, Groomer, Kennel Aide, Kennel Assistant, Kennel Attendant, Kennel Helper, Kennel Operator, Kennel Technician (Kennel Tech), Kennel Worker, Pet Care Associate, Pet Groomer, Pet Sitter, Pet Stylist, Zookeeper
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Career data: O*NET 28.3 Database
by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (“USDOL/ETA”). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA
Occupation statistics: USDOL U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics
Videos: CareerOneStop, USDOL/ETA and the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development