The highest-earning career for Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew majors in the U.S. is Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers. The three highest-earning careers in the U.S. are Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers ($219,140), Computer and Information Systems Managers ($169,510), and Financial Managers ($156,100). Interested in any of these top jobs? For Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers, you should consider studying Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew. Wind Turbine Service Technicians have the fastest job growth rates and is anticipated to grow by 44.6% between 2022 and 2032.
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Career | Median Salary | Average Annual Job Openings | Employment 2022 | Employment 2032 | Percent Change | |
Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers | $219,140 | 810 | 6,877 | 7,140 | 4% | |
Computer and Information Systems Managers | $169,510 | 3,705 | 44,034 | 50,820 | 15% | |
Financial Managers Treasurers and Controllers Investment Fund Managers | $156,100 | 5,359 | 61,030 | 70,778 | 16% | |
Computer Hardware Engineers | $138,080 | 381 | 6,482 | 6,772 | 5% | |
Air Traffic Controllers | $137,380 | 348 | 4,001 | 4,054 | 1% | |
Purchasing Managers | $136,380 | 475 | 6,045 | 6,310 | 4% | |
Human Resources Managers | $136,350 | 1,147 | 14,178 | 14,918 | 5% | |
Sales Managers | $135,160 | 3,672 | 47,149 | 49,062 | 4% | |
Database Architects Data Warehousing Specialists | $134,700 | 301 | 4,288 | 4,716 | 10% | |
Managers, All Other Regulatory Affairs Managers Compliance Managers Loss Prevention Managers Wind Energy Operations Managers Wind Energy Development Managers Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers | $133,560 | 7,174 | 93,350 | 96,474 | 3% |
★ For the data available, wages are capped at $239,120.
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Career data: O*NET 28.3 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (“USDOL/ETA”). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA
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