Notre Dame’s undergraduate program offers sixty-seven degrees within four colleges (Arts and Letters, Science, Engineering, and Business) and the Architectural School. The most common majors are Finance, General, Econometrics and Quantitative Economics, Computer and Information Sciences, General, Political Science and Government, General, and Management Science.

Freshman students will be challenged and offered the opportunity to explore corners of research and academics, possibly considering majors that hadn’t previously been on their radar. All first years must take one university writing intensive seminar, Moreau first year experience course, one writing and rhetoric course, two semesters of math, and two classes within the intended major.

Arts and Letters is the oldest (and largest) college at Notre Dame, focusing on the liberal arts side of education. The Science College is known for being on the scientific forefront for nearly 150 years and for the extensive Environmental Research Center. The College of Engineering offers students the opportunity to participate in service projects, produce solutions for real problems, and take part in internships. Students in Business will focus on managing real portfolios and learning the ethics and solutions needed in this sector.

The Architecture School is a five-year program dedicated to hand drawing, drafting, formal ordering, construction, and history of architecture. One full year will be dedicated to studying Rome’s historic center in Rome itself as well as other sites within Europe.


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