We will have our regular weekly meeting this afternoon at 12:30pm on Google Meet; please DM us for a link!
We will pray, encourage one another, and continue our study in the Gospel of John.
Here is a recap of our recent studies.
I Have Conquered the World | John 16:12-33
Jesus would soon pray and then afterward be delivered into the hands of the authorities. What words of Jesus would be left to ring in the ears of the eleven disciples? ?I have conquered the world.?
The ?disciple whom Jesus loved,? known as John, either John ben Zebedee (the Apostle), or John the Elder, wrote his recollections of his experiences with Jesus so that those who hear or read would believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and would find eternal life in His name (cf. John 20:31).
Jesus knew His time to suffer, die, be raised, and ascend to the Father was coming very soon (John 13:31-32); His disciples did not, and throughout John 13:1-17:26, Jesus sought to prepare them for what was about to occur.
And so Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, and explained to them how they should follow His example and humbly serve one another (John 13:1-17). Jesus spoke of His imminent betrayal and sent Judas Iscariot out in John 13:18-30. Jesus, focusing on the eleven remaining disciples, would then begin a discourse in John 13:31 which would conclude with His ?High Priestly Prayer? in John 17:1-26. He began this discourse by emphasizing how God would be glorified in the Son of Man, and it was for them to love one another as He had loved them (John 13:31-35). They could not yet go where He was going, but He went to prepare a place for them: less about spatial distance, and more about relational distance, for Jesus would suffer and die to reconcile them to God, and would not leave them as orphans but give them the Spirit of God (John 14:1-31). Jesus illustrated His relationship with the disciples in terms of a vine and its branches (John 15:1-8). Jesus welcomed the disciples as His friends for whom He would suffer and die (John 15:9-17). The disciples would experience hostility and persecution in the world (John 15:18-16:11). Jesus would now conclude this extensive discourse with John 16:12-33.
Jesus had many other things which He wanted to teach His disciples, but they could not yet receive them; He assured His disciples how the Spirit of truth would guide them into all truth (John 16:12-13). The Spirit would not speak by His own authority, but would speak whatever He would hear from the Father and the Son; in this way He would glorify Jesus (John 16:13-15).
We can get an idea of what Jesus intended by considering all the things which He commanded and taught the disciples by means of the Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles: how the Gospel would be proclaimed, the ingathering of Gentiles, etc. But at this particular moment, they would have no framework in which to understand such things. They would have to see the work of God in Christ play out in His death, resurrection, and ascension.
So it remains in our lives of faith. Certain things we can only come to appreciate and value after we gain a certain level of understanding and/or experience. There are some things we think we know at a given moment, but only truly come to appreciate better and more deeply after time and experience.
But should we expect the Spirit to make known to us things which those before us did not know or understand? We must remember Jesus was speaking to His eleven disciples and gave these promises to assure them how they would come to a fuller understanding of all Jesus wanted to say to them. Jesus would provide this revelation by means of His Spirit to those disciples in His good time. We have no good reason to believe anything needs to be added to the witness regarding Jesus? life, death, resurrection, ascension, lordship, and imminent return beyond what already was made known by the Apostles through the Spirit.
Jesus then reiterated a statement He had made to many times before, but now with an addition: the disciples would not see Jesus any longer in a little while, but after a little while would see Him again (John 16:16; cf. John 7:33, 12:35, 13:33, 14:19). We hear again from the disciples for the first time since John 14:22; they are flustered and confused by Jesus? statement, yet none has the temerity to directly ask Him about it (John 16:17-18). Jesus well perceived their anxiety, and expanded somewhat on His statement: they would lament and mourn, but the world would rejoice, but their sadness would turn into joy (John 16:20). Jesus compared the situation to a woman giving birth: she has great suffering and pain during labor, but after she is given her child, the joy of that experience overwhelms the memory of the pain and suffering she has just experienced (John 16:21). Jesus quoted Isaiah 66:14 regarding that moment: the disciples would first have sorrow, but then they would see Him again, and they would have joy which could not be taken from them (John 16:22). They would not ask Jesus for anything at that moment (as time would tell, out of stupefied astonishment), but the Father would give them whatever they asked for in Jesus? name (John 16:23-24).
Jesus understood His language was not the clearest; in the future, He would speak plainly about the Father (John 16:25). The Father Himself loved the disciples since they loved Jesus and believed in Him (John 16:26-27). Jesus came from the Father and entered into the world; He was going to leave the world and return to the Father (John 16:28, which can be understood in terms of Jesus as the Heavenly Stranger).
The disciples grabbed ahold of Jesus final statement: they could understand how He could return from whence He had come, and they confess how Jesus knew everything, had no need to have anyone ask Him anything, and had come from God (John 16:29-30).
Jesus proved incredulous: did they really believe (John 16:31)? He prophesied their imminent dispersal, leaving Jesus alone (John 16:32). Yet Jesus was not truly alone, since the Father was with Him (John 16:32). He then provided His final statement: He spoke such things so they might have peace in Him; they would have trouble and suffering in the world, but they should take courage, for Jesus conquered the world (John 16:33).
Jesus thus forecast how the next few days would go. Today we have the benefit of knowing what was about to take place; Jesus? disciples did not. A lot can change in a forty-eight-hour period, and you can get yourself in a world of hurt and trouble within that period of time. The disciples would experience profound sadness and then unbelievable joy; perhaps some of Jesus? former words would have come to mind during these moments to strengthen and sustain them.
But their suffering and anguish could not compare to what Jesus was about to experience. The eleven would all scatter as it had been prophesied; and, in truth, it was for their own good, for doubtless there could have been crosses waiting for them as well if they stood with Jesus. They would suffer for His Name in due time.
Yet, as Jesus powerfully affirmed, He would not really be alone. The Father would always be with Him. He could do no other and remain one God in perichoretic relational unity. Some have become far too enamored with a particular mechanism of atonement and have extended it beyond all reason, suggesting Jesus was alienated from the Father while on the cross. When Jesus cried out about being forsaken, He appealed not merely to Psalm 22:1, but all of Psalm 22:1-31 (cf. Matthew 27:46); it well spoke to what He felt, but God had not actually abandoned Jesus in that moment. In becoming our sin offering, Jesus would be made most holy, not abominably defiled (2 Corinthians 5:21; cf. Leviticus 6:24-30).
Jesus would indeed suffer greatly, but in doing so, He would conquer the world. He would suffer evil without responding in kind; by thus absorbing the evil, He overcame it, and would be vindicated in His resurrection!
John 16:33 represented the conclusion of the discourse between Jesus and the eleven disciples. John 17:1-26 would feature Jesus? ?High Priestly Prayer?; in John 18:1, narrative action would resume, leading to Jesus? betrayal, suffering, death, and resurrection. Thus the last words of Jesus? instruction which would ring in the ears of His disciples was John 16:33, and we can also gain much from them. In Christ the world can never really be a comfortable place. We will have trial and tribulation here. But we can take courage because Jesus has conquered the world. And we can overcome in and with Him if we suffer with Him so we might be glorified with Him (cf. Romans 8:17-39). May we take courage in Christ and obtain the victory in Him!
Ethan R. Longhenry