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We help you discover affordable schools, choose your major and career, find scholarships, compare costs, pay for college, and realize your dreams.

Win up to $15,000 in college funds.

You could win a Citizens Scholarship! Every month, we’re giving one student $2,500 for college, and annually, we’re awarding a grand prize $15,000 towards tuition. No purchase necessary. Apply now to give your college fund a boost!

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$2,500 Scholarship

To help students take a thoughtful approach to their college decision process and to help pay for college, College Raptor awards a $2,500 scholarship four times per year. No purchase necessary to apply.

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Get college matches based on GPA, majors, location, test scores, and culture. Then move on to find top careers that best fit with what you know about your plans.

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Discover which schools will offer you the best grants and aid packages and search for scholarships to fill the gap before you turn to loans.

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We measure our success by yours


Our evolved college planning process provides an incredibly accurate picture — from finding a great match, a promising major, and learning college finance techniques — within minutes. A process that not only arrives at the best decision but saves you thousands.

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An enrollment management service provider, powered by AI and leveraging unique competitive data, College Raptor is designed to help you make the best strategic decisions and ultimately achieve your enrollment goals.

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High Schools

Designed to make your job easier, College Raptor provides counselors, high schools, and independent advocates innovative tools to help students find their best college fit, families find the best financial aid possible, and everyone build a robust plan in minutes.

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Trusted Information

Schools can’t pay to improve their rankings or matches on Raptor®, so you can trust that information you receive is fair and accurate as possible.

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We will never provide personally identifiable information about you to colleges or anyone else without your permission.

One-Stop College Planning Resource Center

Our innovative college planning tools help you embark on your journey with confidence.

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