With a staff of 400, the UChicago has a 5 to 1 student to faculty ratio, one of the best in the Great Lakes area. Each teacher is a top professional in their field, providing students with a thorough education. The school also offers distance learning, ROTC (Air Force and Army), study abroad, and teacher certification.

After four years, 86% graduate. After six, 95% earn their degree. Nearly all students stay at UChicago after their first year with a 99%% retention rate.

Many students are from Illinois, but New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, and Texas are also heavily represented.


Academic Profile for 2025

Four Year Graduation Rate

Six Year Graduation Rate

Eight Year Graduation Rate

Student to Faculty Ratio
5 to 1

First Year Retention Rate

Distribution of Students per State

for the first-year class of
students in 2022

(Hover in each state to view details of distribution)

1 To 5
6 To 15
16 To 25
26 To 50
51 and Above

Student Race, Ethnicity, and Age Information

Total Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity for the 2022 school year

Students Total
White, 2,415
Asian, 1,487
U.S. Nonresident, 1,253
Hispanic, 1,225
Two or more races, 530
Black or African American, 507
Race/ethnicity unknown, 176
American Indian or Alaska Native, 1
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, 1

Total Enrollment by Age for the 2022 school year

Students Total
Age 20-21, 3,536
Age 18-19, 3,292
Age 22-24, 586
Age under 18, 112
Age 25-29, 55
Age 30-34, 10
Age 35-39, 4

Other Learning Opportunities
Distance learning
Graduate level programs or courses are offered via distance education
Special learning
ROTC - Air Force
ROTC - Army
Study abroad
Teacher certification (below the postsecondary level)



Sort By:

Agency Period of Accreditation Status
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission
01/01/1913 - Current
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission
(University of Chicago at Connecticut)
06/25/2009 - Current
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission
(University of Chicago at Gleacher Center)
10/01/1990 - Current

Sort By:

Agency / Program Period of Accreditation Status
American Bar Association, Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
[Law (LAW) - Professional schools]
01/01/1923 - Current
Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools
[Theology (THEOL) - Freestanding schools, as well as programs affiliated with larger institutions, offering graduate professional education for ministry and graduate study of theology]
07/01/1938 - Current
Liaison Committee on Medical Education
[Medicine (MED) - Programs leading to the M.D. degree]
07/01/1942 - Current

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